Like the air you breathe (2)
“Like the air you breathe” is an installation and performance at Alfred-Scholz-Platz in Neukölln, Berlin.
Opening hours (Installation, Video & Performance):
FR 15.10.21 / 17.00 – 22.00 Vernissage
SA 16.10.21 / 15.00 – 22.00 Discussion with Dr. Natasha Aruri at 16.00
SO 17.10.21 / 15.00 – 22.00
The artists shift problems from the private into the public sphere and thereby turn the private into the political. For in a neoliberal city, its dark sides are literally and figuratively hidden behind a beautiful facade.
The theme at hand is the unacceptably tense housing situation in Berlin. Unacceptable, because adequate living space is a basic need and is part of a person’s life, just like the air we breathe. However, most people suffer from poor housing conditions. This situation hits the least protected social groups, such as migrants, refugees, children, women and people who live in precarious conditions, the hardest.
The housing situation in Berlin continued to deteriorate during the Corona crisis. People were directly confronted with the limited space in their homes, which increased domestic violence, led to separations and affected the psychological condition of city dwellers.
Possibilities of togetherness and coexistence in a cramped space are explored. The limited space and lack of air create both amusing game and open conflict. The artists explore the deep divide between family and professional subpersonalities, living and working spaces, the necessary and the permissible.
Participating Artists:
Alexandra Goloborodko, Aleksandra Yurieva-Civjane,
Kay Kastner, Tizo All, Suzanne Stavast, Willem van den Hoek, Samir Harb
with Dr. Natasha Aruri
Curated by the International Cultural Project Butterbrot
The project is part of DRAUSSENSTADT.
Kindly supported by Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europa, Stiftung für Kulturelle Weiterbildung und Kulturberatung
and [Aktion! Karl-Marx-Straße]